Dan and Merrie hang out, camera ready, before the party.

Ron and Rachel blow bubbles. I think Ron is winning, by like 1000 bubbles to 10 bubbles.

Everyone gathers inside the house of mirrors. Note that Kimberly has the visible results of a nearly-apocalpytic cup-of-water attack.

Merrie fires away with two 45-millimeter water guns, like Ethan Hunt from MI-2, only with water instead of bullets. Also she's in the "Pirate's Cove" at the zoo, instead of on a motorcycle in Prague.

Welcome to the Pirate's Cove. Ahoy.

This here wedding's gonna have to be canceled, on account of the bride done shot up the Pirate's Cove.

Ron and Kimberly relax after combat.

The happy couple trades shots.

The guys. The men. The warriors... okay, the nerds at the zoo.

Wait... is Rachel making a comeback?

A goat is happy because he gets his food. Dan is happy because the goat-food-per-quarter-value was high.

Once someone starts feeding the goat, everyone has to feed the goat.

Eddie, Dan, and Merrie await the others outside the zoo.

The happy couple and Merrie's favorite balloon.

Dan, pre-party, relaxing after carrying the one-million-pound cooler to the Pirate's Cove.

Dan feeds a Zebu. How many parties have you been to that included the feeding of a Zebu?

Let's face it... we came here for one thing and one thing only: cheese.