A Weekend in Woodside

We spent this weekend house-sitting - and, more importantly - dog-sitting, in Woodside. Our temporary dogs are Mollie (the lab) and Rufus (the miscellaneous shepherd mix).

Merrie and Dan relaxing with their favorite dogs, right after we got to Woodside. We were all still getting to know each other, although Rufus had already stopped jumping on us.

Dan relaxes with his favorite dogs while they relax with their favorite toys.

Rufus and Mollie must have just come in from playing outside... they're super-excited to see Merrie!

Isn't Mollie a pretty girl?

Remarkably, Rufus sat still long enough for us to take a picture...

The theme of our dinner "party" was pretty much sitting around and being sleepy by the dogs.

As if we weren't already sleepy enough, we made ourselves a nice fire to sit around.

They had like the biggest rubber band ball in the universe...

Is it even a party without Tetris Attack?

Jim and Neel were getting into the whole "sitting around the couch with the dogs" idea.

Mollie was getting into the whole "sitting around the couch with the people" idea.

It turns out that towels aren't potholders...

The traditional favorite... Boboli, pumpkin pie, and fried rice.

Mollie and Rufus enjoy the lively, Mario-Kart-crazy atmosphere.

Dan wasn't feeling great, so Rufus came to the couch to take care of him...

Merrie looks pretty excited to be sharing the special dog-couch with the special dogs.

Mollie looking pretty again...

Rufus usually likes to play with his Kong toy, but sometimes he gets excited about a bone too...

After a fun weekend of dog-walking, toy-fetching, and towel-burning, we were all feeling a little sleepy.