Puzzle Day II

Click Here for the Puzzles!

On Saturday, December 1st, 2001, Technology House presents the second annual Puzzle Day!

A group at Techhouse created the puzzles for Puzzle Day. They range in style and difficulty. Teams of up to seven people can compete in solving these puzzles. The purpose is to provide an interesting and perhaps challenging event for the Brown community.

It starts at noon on Saturday, but runs until a group finishes. The first puzzle day ended at 3:45 am after over 14 hours of effort!

The puzzles will be available at noon on Saturday through this website. You can call in answers at TH Headquarters (x7-6760) during the day. If you register with us by e-mailing
Me, you will receive updates and hints during the day. The winning team (up to 7 people) will be treated to free dinner at Meeting Street Cafe.

The event is open to everyone, including all undergraduates, graduates, professors, random friends, friends of random friends, etc. We strongly encourage teams from different houses, sororities, fraternities, units, and clubs.

teaser puzzle

See last year's puzzles.

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